Our Positive Future Network

One Step Closer Sustainability Platform, Joanna Mulkeen

One Step Closer is a Sustainability Engagement Engine that can supercharge visitor engagement and awareness for clients. We work with the One Step Closer team when we have a client who are unsure of how to truly engage their audience. This results led, dynamic platform is built on the principles of Engage, Empower, Excite. It helps brands to get the most of audience engagement, by involving them in the story from the start. Wondering what initiatives or campaigns will resonate with your audience? Just ask them!

Vyra Sustainability platform for employees

Vyra hit the market 3 years ago with their new digital solution to help businesses engage their employees on sustainability issues. Their special solution helps businesses who want to engage employees in a fun, interactive, but meaningful way on the impact of our daily activities on climate change. They have been involved Energia and their rugby association for the past 12 months, helping to engage and educate fans on their carbon footprint at games. Vyra is a great tool for employers looking to engage staff on a sustainability agenda.

Prudent Financial Services. Green Finance, ESG Investments

Prudent Financial Services specialises in advising clients on ESG investments with a particular emphasis on the Environmental. They will advise on how redirecting the value of an average pension to an Equity Focused sustainable fund can save up to 19 tonnes of CO2 over the course of its life. We recommend PF for any individual or company looking to make small or large changes with their investments. A personal service, always.

SIRA sustainability resource for retail

SIRA is the first place to start if you are a retailer looking to educate your business on sustainability activities. The partnership of Think Plan Do Consulting and Behaviourwise, is a powerful resource based on 7 Key Pillars of retail sustainability for retailers to help support a more sustainability shopping experience for consumers.

Positive Carbon. Technology for food waste

Positive Carbon is an Irish Start Up established by two Irish entrepreneurs and out to tackle Ireland’s food waste challenge head on. Carbon technology is used in commercial kitchens, where it will identify the exact food that is being thrown into the food waste bin. We can’t recommend these guys enough as a way to tackle uneccesary food waste in kitchens – schools, restaurants, hotels, cafes.

The Wren Nest Hotel in Dublin is the perfect destination for clients looking to embrace a sustainable led environment for guests or visiting clients. As Ireland’s first net carbon place to stay and one of the country’s only “A” Ber accommodation providers, they aim to deliver on a commitment to protecting the planet in everything they do, from the food they serve, to the products they use.